
Reducing Extent of Injuries


If you are feeling like hurting yourself try to avoid alcohol or drugs, so you don't accidentally harm yourself more than you intend.

If you cut yourself, try to use something clean to minimize the risk of infection. Try to avoid areas of the body where there are large veins or arteries.

Cool any burn under water for 20 minutes. Burns can often be more severe than intended.

Be sure to have your tetanus vaccination up to date. You need to have it done every 10 years. You should be able to get this done at your doctors surgery.

Seek medical help for cuts that are deep and gaping. Try to keep the wound elevated and apply pressure. Seek help for burns that are bigger than a large coin, or that has penetrated deep into the skin.

A wound that is infected, the surrounding area will become hot, swollen and hard. There may be pus leaking from the wound and you may have a temperature. It is important to get medical help for this as you may become very ill.

Shock may occur if you lose a lot of blood or if you have severe burns. Again, you will need to get medical help for this. You may need to call and ambulance.