
Coping With Panic

Below are some tips for learning to deal with panic when it arises



Do not run away from the place where the panic takes place.  Wait and the fear will begin to pass.  It will be much harder to return if you run out when you feel at your worst.


 If you feel you have to leave, go back as soon as you can.


Do some slow, regular breathing.


Remember that the feelings are an exaggeration of the body's natural alarm reaction.


These feelings will not harm you and they are not dangerous.  They may be very unpleasant but they are not harmful.


Catch your thoughts and try to rationalize them.  Look for exaggerated and catastrophic thinking.


Notice what is really happening to your body right now and not what you fear might happen.  The changes in your body are probably due to lack of carbon dioxide.


Notice that once you stop adding to the fear with frightening thoughts, the fear starts to fade by itself.


Remember that you are learning to cope with the fear without avoiding it.  You can use this situation to practice coping with your feelings.


Think about the progress you have made so far, and how pleased you will be with yourself if you succeed this time.


When the feelings start to go away, look around you, think about what to do next, and move on in a slow and unhurried way.