

Stories of Hope

Is There a Way Out?


bulletAuthor:    Sarah
bulletAge:        16


First off I want to say that maybe I am different because I was never abused in any way while growing up.  Most people talk about cutting as a way of dealing with the abuse they recieved.  Not me.  In fact I've had a pretty good life growing up, but sometimes it all gets to me.  Like maybe the fact that my Parents don't know about my eating disorder, or maybe how I think about suicide more often than not.  Maybe that's what started me on the road to SI.  Right now I am currently still cutting and harming myself in many ways, but I feel that there is a way out.  There's a way out for all of us.  Even though sometimes I feel as if there is no way out but death,  I have come to realize that this is not true.  I can get help and can overcome this, I just have to want it enough. I am hoping that someday soon I will be over this.  I can go back to having my normal life and not have people think of me as a freak because I deal with pain different.  I guess what I want to say is there is a way for all of us If we want it bad enough.